The Future of Grasshoppers Landing

Greetings Hopper extended family!

If you’ve been tuning in for awhile, you may have noticed that there have been some recent changes made to the Hop sHOPpe. We temporarily removed (Im)Perfect Iterations clothing from the sHOPpe, but when it returns you can expect new designs from Artskeem :). We plan to find a small print shop to print the designs on sustainably-sourced apparel in addition to printing STICKERS!

We also removed True Earth Company products from the site for now as we redirect our energy and make a few changes, but you can still purchase them directly from their website –  and we hope you do! Our favorites are the Holy Basil and Turmeric Trio tinctures (medicine from the Earth!) and the formula #111 fertilizer (medicine for the Earth!).

AND – we’re HITTING THE ROAD! We will be collecting footage for NEW stops on the ‘Hopper Portal including new videos! We will continue to produce and launch new videos on a regular basis once we get settled (in the meantime please subscribe to the channel!).

Lastly, we’re SO excited for the launch of The Grasshopper Academy Core Curriculum in the summer of 2023.

We’ll be collecting feedback throughout the process, and you can signup here to be a part of the Feedback Crew!

Grasshopper Academy

Re-imagining the Learning Journey

Providing the tools for sustainable, individualized learning through a dynamic + holistic program inspired by nature and its vibrant, interacting systems.
To fuel youth leadership and innovation in a dynamic and evolving world.