Hoppy Holidays!

Seasons Greetings!

We are so excited to be making progress on The Grasshopper Academy core curriculum program. It’s a comprehensive and dynamic curriculum inspired + informed by the natural world and its systems, for use in a variety of applications and optimized for ages 8-12.

The core program materials will consist of 12 units with 4-6 lessons each. Topics will include earth and life sciences, environmental leadership, critical thinking, and more!

You can expect to see a BRAND NEW Grasshopper Academy website in the spring of 2023 – so the Academy will have its very own site complete with information about the curriculum, access to resources, and lots of fun stuff. For now, you can learn a little more about the program in its current form on the Grasshopper Academy webpage.

If you’re interested in providing feedback for the curriculum, you can choose which materials you are most interested in reviewing and we’ll send them along as they are ready (of course you can stop receiving materials at any time!). To sign up for the Feedback Crew, complete this registration form before January 31, 2023.

Wishing you coziness and abundance this season!

Until next time,

The ‘Hopsters